2025 Showbill
ESOSA Open Horse Show
Baker Area Recreational Facility 5503 Hwy 4; Baker, FL
Start Time
8:00 AM Sport Horse in Hand
8:30 Class 2 will not start before 8:30
2025 Show Dates
- Cupid’s Spurs Open Horse Show – February 8, 2025
- Clover Classic Open Horse Show – March 8, 2025
- Hoofbeats & Heroes Memorial Day Classic – May 17, 2025
- Autumn Breeze & Horsepower Open Show – September 13, 2025
- Pumpkin & Ponies Halloween Horse Show – October 11, 2025
- Harvest Hooves Thanksgiving Horse Show – November 15, 2025

Registration Details
Online Registration
Early Registration Online is Available at a DISCOUNT!
Register on Grounds
Register Friday PM or Saturday AM at the show office.
Class Fee
Office Fee
$20 Per Exhibitor
($5 Discount for Online Registration)
Grounds Fee
$15 (Showing From Trailer)
RV Hook Ups
ECOSA Membership
$30 Per Exhibitor
Year-End High Points/Reserve High Points Guarantee!
Highpoint Requires an ECOSA Membership
8 am Start
1. Sport Horse In Hand OPEN (All Ages)
2. Halter: Pony OPEN (All Ages/Sexes) 14.2 hands & Under
3. Halter: Mares OPEN (All Ages)
4. Halter: Geldings & Stallions. OPEN (All Ages)
5. Good Grooming: Youth 18 & Under
6. Good Grooming: Adult 19 & Over
7. Showmanship: Youth 18 & Under
8. Showmanship: Adult 19 & Over
– Break 30 Mins: Warm-up
9. Hunter Under Saddle: Beginner WALK ONLY
10. Hunter Under Saddle: Beginner ** Walk/Trot Only **
11. Hunter Under Saddle: Walk/Trot OPEN (All Ages)
12. Hunter Under Saddle: Youth 13 & under
13. Hunter Under Saddle: Youth 14 – 18
14. Hunter Under Saddle: Adult 19 and Over
15. Equitation: Beginner *** Walk/Trot Only ***
16. Equitation: Youth 13 & Under
17. Equitation: Youth 14 – 18
18. Equitation: Adult 19 & Over
19. Equitation: On The Flat OPEN (All Ages)
– Break 20 Mins: Set up Jumps & Warm Up
20. Hunter Hack: Beginner Cross Rails *** W/T Only ***
21. Hunter Hack: Cross Rails OPEN (All Ages)
22. Hunter Hack: 2’ jump OPEN (All Ages)
Trail Will Be Set Up DURING Fun Classes or FREE Show Clinic
23. FUN: Leadline: (English & Western Riders)
24. FUN: Stick Horse (English & Western Riders)
25. FUN: Class (English & Western Riders)
– BREAK: 30 Mins – Begins AFTER Fun Classes/Clinic FOR Trail Practice
(English and/or Western Riders)
*** Rider for English HP must ride in English tack. Rider for Western HP must show in Western tack.
26. Trail: Beginner *** W/T Only *** Class 26 Also Includes In-Hand Trail: Yearlings/2yos /Green/Mini’s OPEN (AA)
27. Trail: Youth 13 and Under
28. Trail: Youth 14-18.
29. Trail: Adult 19 & Over
Ranch Trail
30. Trail: RANCH Beginner *** W/T ***
31. Trail: RANCH Youth 18 & Under
32. Trail: RANCH Adult 19 & Over
– Break 10 Mins to remove Trail Course
Ranch Trail
33. Ranch Rail: Beginner *** W/T ***
34. Ranch Rail: Youth 18 & under
35. Ranch Rail: Adult 19 & Over
36. Ranch Riding: Beginner *** W/T ***
37. Ranch Riding: Youth
38. Ranch Riding: Adult
39. Ranch Reining: Youth
40. Ranch Reining: Adult
41. Western Pleasure: Beginner *** WALK ONLY ***
42. Western Pleasure: Beginner *** W/T Only ***
43. Western Pleasure: Walk/Trot OPEN (All Ages)
44. Western Pleasure: Youth 13 & under
45. Western Pleasure: Youth 14-18
46. Western Pleasure: Adult 19 and Over
47. Horsemanship: Beginner *** W/T ONLY ***
48. Horsemanship: 13 & Under
49. Horsemanship: 14-18
50. Horsemanship: Adult 19 and Over
“2025” Offers 20 Highpoint & Reserve Highpoint
Division Awards Guaranteed!!!
(1)Halter Highpoint (2) Beginner ENGLISH W/T Only (3) Beginner WESTERN W/T Only (4) Arab/HA
(5)English Youth (6) English Adult (7) Western Youth (8) Western Adult (9) Ranch Youth (10) Ranch Adult
We’re shaking things up with our High Point Champion and Reserve High Point Champion prizes!

“The images provided are examples only.
Each prize may vary, but rest assured—they’ll be just as spectacular!”
1) [All Ages]: HALTER Highpoint: Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, Only
2) [All Ages]: BEGINNER “Rider” ENGLISH HIGHPOINT – W/T Only: Halter 1, 2, 3, 4 Grooming 5, 6 Showmanship 7, 8
Riding Classes: 9, 10, 11, 15, 20, 26
3)[All Ages]: BEGINNER “Rider” WESTERN HIGHPOINT – W/T Only – All Ages: Halter 2, 3, 4 Grooming 5, 6 Showmanship 7, 8
Riding Classes: 26, 30, 33, 36, 41, 42, 43, 47
4) [All Ages]: ARAB / HA “Rider” HP Youth OR Adult:
Halter 1, 2, 3, 4 / Grooming 5, 6 / Showmanship 7, 8
Riding Classes: 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50
5) ENGLISH YOUTH “Rider” Highpoint: Halter 1, 2, 3, 4 Youth Grooming 5 Youth Showmanship 7
Riding Classes: 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28 (Trail Class 27, 28: Must Ride in an Eng. Saddle for Eng Highpoints)
6) ENGLISH ADULT “Rider” Highpoint: Halter 1, 2, 3, 4 Adult Grooming 6 Adult Showmanship: 8 Riding Classes: 11, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 29 (Trail Class 29: Must Ride in an English Saddle for Eng Highpoints)
7) WESTERN YOUTH “Rider”: Halter 2, 3, 4 Yth Grooming 5 Yth Showmanship 7 Riding Classes: 27, 28, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49
8) WESTERN ADULT “Rider”: Halter 2, 3, 4 Adult Grooming 6 Adult Showmanship 8 Riding Classes: 29, 43, 46, 50
9) RANCH YOUTH “Rider” Highpoint: Halter 2, 3, 4 Youth Grooming 5 Youth Showmanship 7 Riding Classes: 31, 34, 37, 39
10) RANCH ADULT “Rider” Highpoint: Halter 2, 3, 4 Adult Grooming 6 Adult Showmanship 8 Riding Classes: 32, 35, 38, 40
ECOSA Highpoint Rules
** ECOSA strives to update HP asap after every show! **
- ECOSA MEMBERSHIP: Required to run for Year End Highpoints. 2025 Fee: $30 per exhibitor. Family $60
- ECOSA MEMBERSHIP: January 1 — December 31. MEMBERSHIP starts at time of purchase!!
- ECOSA SHOW YEAR: January 1 – December 31 of the current year.
- HIGHPOINT CALCULATIONS: Same horse, Same Rider Combo / Per HP Division.
- RIDER HP REQUIREMENTS: Rider MUST RIDE in a minimum of 50% of the shows per show year, AND Rider MUST RIDE in a minimum of 2 classes in a particular highpoint division IN 50% of the shows.
- RIDER HP: A Double-judged or pointed show will count as 2 shows.
- RIDER HP: Trail- ENGLISH: Riders in an English saddle/attire will accrue points toward the English Highpoint Division. ***Rider can change to western saddle and show again in Trail if also running for Western HP!
- RIDER HP: Trail- WESTERN: Riders in a western saddle will accrue points toward the Western Highpoint Divisions.
- RIDER HP: Trail- RANCH: Riders showing in the Ranch Trail, with a western saddle, will accrue points toward Ranch
- RIDER TACK/ATTIRE: ALL Horse/Rider must have appropriate tack per division (English or Western saddles) and appropriate attire per division (No western jeans/boots in English, No halter/spaghetti tops in any class, etc)
- BEGINNER HP: “RIDER” Classes are Walk and/or W/T ONLY*BEGINNER is based on the Rider, not the horse.
- BEGINNER HP: NO CROSS ENTRY to SHOW in Canter/Lope classes (But, Exhibition Only is allowed for experience)
- EXHIBITION ONLY: is Allowed for more riding experience within rider’s discipline. Correct tack/attire required.
Example: Rider pays entry fee, rides, but is not being judged. Exhibition Only will NOT count toward any Highpoint.Rider tells Ring Steward, “Exhibition Only” upon entry to arena. There will be no excessive training or interruption toother riders or you will be excused from the show pen! - CLASSES: 2 or less entries MAY be announced to SHOW combined with the next class EXCEPT: Begin W/T.
- CLASSES: Combined Class- Points will be allotted to the designated age class for that exhibitor’s Divisional HP.
- TIES: Any tie will go the Horse / Rider combo with the most 1st place wins.
- STALLIONS: NO ONE 16 and under will be allowed to show stallions.
- SHOW MANAGEMENT: Reserves the right to change showbill as needed, combine classes, etc.
- ECOSA RULE: 2 hands with a shank bit “are” allowed for schooling purposes without being DQ’d.
- ECOSA RULE: For novice exhibitor safety, ECOSA allows handlers for In-Hand classes, and walkers for ridingclasses to enter the ring with their handler/rider.
- PONY HALTER: Must be 14.2 & Under, WITHOUT horse breed registration papers, or carry Pony Breed papers.
*For Overnight Stall/RV Reservations or Questions, Please Contact Management on the Club’s Facebook:
Facebook: “Emerald Coast Open Show Association – ECOSA”
Show Manager - Liz Pardue

Hi! I’m Liz Pardue, I have been actively involved with showing and owning horses for 34 years now. I have traveled the US, showing and working with different breeds throughout my lifetime, including saddlebreds, hunter jumpers, dressage, cutting horses, endurance, and now Arabians. I love the passion and friendships built by working in the equine world and have spent the previous two years as a show manager. my favorite spot is working the gate for the shows.
I look forward to another successful year of being a support system for our show series/community, and I’m always open to any questions.
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